Skira Editore, 2014 |
“I have been painting and drawing roots that take life in a magical way and become fantastical creatures, full of humanity. They are not loud, they look at me quietly in the hope of being seen”. Kikki Ghezzi
“Roots take on many forms in paint through Ghezzi’s imagination, but they reveal a world that is extracted, and removed from its flourishing universe, when a life force connected that root to the stem and trunk above it, as it lay buried in the earth, or when a flower or tree grew from its efforts below the surface”.
Lisa Banner
“Because Ghezzi exploits the anthropomorphic qualities of her subjects, her roots become stand- ins, not only for herself, but for the human figure in general. Finding the human form in their bulbous trunks and distorted limbs, Ghezzi uses her motif to evoke aspects of body and mind”.
Nancy Grimes
“Le radici disegnate e dipinte sono quelle raccolte dall’artista durante le sue passeggiate, ma un avventuroso processo creativo ne distilla suggestivi organismi in divenire, bloccati in uno statico incanto”.
Sara Fontana
“Kikki Ghezzi si accosta alla memoria vitale delle radici attraverso un flusso lineare, come se la loro generatrice non fosse la sedimentazione linfatica, ma un soffio gassoso e, dunque, si volesse rappresentare non la loro materia, ma quasi la loro anima, pervenendo alla forma attraverso la costruzione di una progressiva stratificazione di livelli e onde”.
Stefano Cusatelli