2016 -2020 Center for Book Arts, New York, NY
2015-16 LTA residency and museum education, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, NY
2011 BFA, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
2005/2007 New York Studio School, New York, NY
2003/2004 The Art Students League, New York, NY
2023 Kikki Ghezzi: Consciousness Unthought, Libreria Bocca,  Milan, curated by Giorgio Lodetti
2018/19 The Magical Cherry Tree / Il Ciliegio Magico, Villa Firenze, Washington D.C., curated by Renato Miracco
2017 Chi, Nuova Galleria Morone, Milan, Italy, curated by Sara Fontana
2015 La 24 Ore: Court of Memory, I.F.A. Institute of Fine Arts NYU, New York City, curated by Lisa A. Banner
Grounding, Project Space 70, Glurns, Italy, curated by Stefano Cusatelli
2014 Trees, Hopper House Museum, Nyack, NY, curated by Carol Perry
Roots, Mulino Salacrist, Bormio, Italy, curated by Sara Fontana
Selected Group
2023 Sgéalta Mhuintir Luinigh, illustrations of Stories from the the Mid Tyrone Gaeltacht: Three stories from Professor Éamonn Ó Tuathail’s Collection of Folklore in Irish with a revised edition by Peadar Mac Gabhann 
2020 Margins, Barrett Art Center, New York, curated by Anthony Elms
2019 Interiors/Interior, works from the permanent collection of Tyrone Guthrie Centre, Cavan Art Centre, Ireland, curated by Joe Keenan
2018 Premio d’arte Città’ di Treviglio Museo Civico di Treviglio, Italy, curated by Sara Fontana
X Marks the Spot: Women of the New York Studio School, New York Studio School NYC, curated by Malado Baldwin and Maya Ibar
True Places don’t Map, Struhle Art Centre, Omagh, N. Ireland
2017 Frammenti, Italian Embassy Washington D.C., curated by Lisa A. Banner and Renato Miracco
2016 Volta la Pagina, Museo San Fedele Milan, Italy, curated by Chiara Gatti and Andrea dall’Asta
Abex Redux, The Local,  New York City, curated by Thomai Serdari
2015 The Rebirth of Wonder, Winner call for Bushwick 2015, New York City, curated by Alessandro Berni
2013 Arte al Femminile, Project Artemisia in collaboration with Emilia Sarogni, Ossola, Italy
2011 Parlor, Schafler Gallery, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York
Pratt Harlem Project, New York Citycurated by Heather Darcy Bhandari
2007 Pratt Institute Juried Foundation Show, Brooklyn, New York
2023 Tyrone Guthrie Centre, Ireland
2022 VCCA Moulin a Nef fellowship, Auvillar, France
2019 Hospitalfield Trust Interdisciplinary Residency,  Arbroath, Scotland
2018/19 Artist in residence, Villa Firenze, residence of the Italian Ambassador to the U.S., Washington D.C.
2017 Virginia Center of Creative Arts (VCCA) fellowship, Amherst, VA
2016 LTA Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY
2015 Brisons Veor, Cape Cornwall, UK
Tyrone Guthrie Centre fellowship, Ireland
Winner call for Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY
2011/12 Vermont Studio Center fellowship, Johnson, VT
2007 Speier Foundation Award, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
Selected Press
2022 Kikki Ghezzi: Consciousness Unthought, monograph curated by Sara Fontana, Elisabetta Longari, Renato Miracco, Magonza Edizioni
2021 Kikki Ghezzi: una conversazione,  interview by Mina Tomella for Donna and Leadership
Italian Artists at Villa Firenze 2016-2021, publication curated by Renato Miracco and Giulia Prati, The Embassy of Italy, Washington D.C.
2020 Margins 2020, Barrett Art Center, New York, curated by Anthony Elms / Artist Interview with Kikki Ghezzi
Artist Highlights: Margins, Barrett Art Center, New York
2019 The Magical Cherry Tree / Il Ciliegio Magico, monograph with essays by Italian Ambassador Armando Varricchio, Renato Miracco, Lisa A. Banner, Stefano Cusatelli
Interiors/Interior, essay by Dr. Helen Sharp to exhibition of works from the permanent collection of Tyrone Guthrie Centre, Ireland
2018 Catalogue Premio d’Arte Città di Treviglio, curated by Sara Fontana, Publi Paolini Edizioni
Il Colore secondo Kikki Ghezzi, Intervista agli invitati Premio D’Arte Città’ di Treviglio
Incontro con Kikki Ghezzi, Beatrice Resmini, Premio D’Arte Città’ di Treviglio
The Blank, Contemporary Art 2018
Da Ginzberg a Lenin, Chiara Gatti, La Repubblica
2017 Puo’ una immagine di luce nascere dalla paura del buio? Sara Fontana, Chi exhibition Nuova Morone, Milan, Italy
Frattura Scomposta, Contemporary Art Magazine # 4
Salamander Magazine issue # 45
Frammenti, catalogue for exhibition at Italian Embassy Washington D.C., curated by Lisa A. Banner and Renato Miracco
2016 Volta la pagina: quattro libri d’artista per quattro artisti del libro, Chiara GattiLa Repubblica
Lettera sulla medieta’ sublime, Tiziano Olgiari
2015 The Rebirth of Wonder, Alessandro Berni, Art Fuse
The Enracinement of Kikki Ghezzi,  Ilaria Riccioni,
The Power of the Center,  Sara Fontana, Grounding exhibition, Project 70, Glurns, Italy
La 24 Ore: Court of Memory,  Lisa A. Banner, IFA NYU exhibition, New York
2014 Kikki Ghezzi Roots, monograph curated by Sara Fontana, Skira Edizioni
Kikki Ghezzi New Roots, Lisa A. BannerJuliet Magazine
Incontro, Zettel Magazine # 2
2011 Catalogo della I Biennale Internazionale di Palermo, curated by Paolo Levi